$1000 a month from AdSense is most people’s dream when they are about to start blogging. Oh yeah, they would be like start my blog, write articles share on social media and receive a paycheck at the end of the month.

Did you ever feel the same way too? If yes what’s the result. Let me just go straight to the point, making $1000 from AdSense in Africa is not a bucket of ice.

In fact it requires hard work. So today I would be showing you the possibility and metrics involved in attaining such feet’s taking some of the metrics and constant from a company I worked for that was actually crushing it when it comes to AdSense.

So let’s get started.

What does it take to make $1000 a month.

Very simple, to make $1000 per month you need 15,000 daily visitors. Now I know you may be shocked, are you? If yes, don’t panic yet.

Think a little bit, when was the last time you saw an ads on someones site and you clicked on it. Personally speaking, in my lifetime I doubt if I had intentional click an AdSense ads up to 30 times and this is the same me that spends over 15 hours online daily.

So you see friend, when you try predict your AdSense earning and you are using a click through rate of 15% it is laughable.

The average click through rate today is around 5% unless you are doing something fishy.

And then let’s come to the Cost per Click here in Africa. I have personally seen times when the cost per click were as low as $0.05, what this means is that to earn a dollar, you would need 20 clicks. However, I am not a prophet of doom so I would say the average click through rate I have seen is $0.15.

So let’s do the maths

If you are operating at a click through rate of 4% and a cost per click of $0.10. you would need 10,000 clicks a month to make $1000.

If you go further you would find out that 10000 is 4% of 250,000. Meaning you would need 25k page views monthly to make that amount of money.

So you see, you got a lot of work to do if you want to smile at the end of the month using AdSense.

So I would not just stop here but I will also show you some steps you can use in actualising your dreams of make over $1000 a month from Google AdSense.

Tip Number 1

leave the entertainment niche and focus on one evergreen topic.

I see a lot of people today blogging on entertainment alone but if you notice, over 80% of entertainment blogs all copy each other. That niche is now over populated, and when a niche is over populated it leads to saturation and saturation leads to profit erosion.

One other problem with an entertainment blog is that the life span of it’s posts are usually very short. It quite unlike the tech niche where an article written now can still be driving traffic up to five years from now.

That is still the singular reason while viral sharing works better of entertainment blogs rather than SEO.

Tip Number 2

Focus on a long term strategy like SEO.

Now I know that a lot of people love to see quick results and unfortunately there is nothing like that when it comes to SEO. If you pick s strategy that involves you sharing your articles on social media, you would eventually get tire while achieving minimal results. Also know that google AdSense holds the exclusive right to ban or exclude any partner from the AdSense program.

In light of that, sticking with the most viable source of traffic which is traffic from search engines becomes the wisest thing to do.

Tip Number 3

Turn initial visitors into returning visitors.

Now you may be wondering how you can do this. In fact it is actually as easy as installing and activating the OneSignal plugin on your website or blog. OneSignal makes use of push notifications to let visitors who optin for such notification.

This is used on almost all blogs that draw major revenue from Google AdSense. I guess you have seen some of them. It usually pops up at the button of the screen with the tagline “we want to send you notification”.

Now the great part about this is that it is extremely free to set up.

Tip Number 4

Apply other revenue generating model on your blog or partner with a brand.

A very good example of this is consultpaul, the blog partners with namecheap which is a popular domain registrar to extend their reach into Africa.

Whenever a sale is being made via his account, he is being paid a commison.

Now you may want to ask, is there any difference between this and affiliate marketing? There is a difference, namecheap pays the owner of the blog is certain amount of money everyone for remaining a partner. Although there are term and condition following the partnership.

You could as well find a marketer of a companies (a bank for example) and strike a deal.

When you combine all what you have learnt in this article, you would be able to make a solid choice if or not you are going to embark on this journey.

Good luck